Exercise Physiologist

At Altido Consulting Services accredited exercise Physiologists are allied health professionals with the highest level of training for prescribing exercise to individuals.
At Altido Consulting Services accredited Exercise Physiologists are allied health professionals with the highest level of training for prescribing exercise to individuals. The exercise programs designed at Altido Consulting Services are tailored for those with disabilities to address specific needs such as increasing independence in activities of daily living, general wellness, engaging in the community, increasing overall strength and capacity and independence with social activities.

For Exercise Physiology we provide the following services

  • Screening, assessing and applying clinical reasoning for exercise and physical activity interventions for participants
  • Assessing movement capacity and levels of health & well-being
  • Development of individualised exercise interventions
  • Provide health education, advice and support to improve health and well-being
  • Running of clinical exercise program, for those at risk of developing or those with existing chronic and complex medical conditions and injuries

Book An Appointment

Flexible appointments and urgent attention. Please call us or email us if you want confidential discussion regarding your booking.